,  (Воан-Уильямс)
Ральф Воан-Уильямс (1872–1958)
Запись - 26 декабря 1976 г., Нью-Йорк.

Запись - декабрь 2003 г., Лондон.

Запись - 21 октября 1965 г., Нью-Йорк.

1.Allegro 2.Moderato 3.Scherzo 4.Epilogue.

Запись - 1-2 марта 1971 г., Лондон.


Запись 1980 г., Лондон.

Soprano – Sheila Armstrong, baritone – John Carol Case. Запись - 23-25 сентября 1968 г., Лондон.

Recorded: December 1953.

Запись 1991 г., Лондон.

1.Prelude - 2.Carol - 3.Christmas Dance // записано в 2005г. В Веллингтоне, Новая Зеландия, в 2005г.

Recorded: 25 September & 23 December 1968 and 26 March 1969.

1970 г.

Recorded: December 1969, London.

Запись - декабрь 1953 г., Лондон.


1.Overture - 2.Entr`acte - 3.March past of the kitchen utensils - 4.Entr`acte - 5.Ballet and Finale tableau

Violin – Elizabeth Wexler, viola - Garfield Jackson, double bass – Duncan McTier. Recorded: June 2002, London.



Norma Burrowes, Sheila Armstrong, Susan Longfield, Marie Hayward - sopranos; Alfreda Hodgson, Gloria Jennings, Shirley Minty, Meriel Dickinson - contraltos; Ian Partridge, Bernard Dickerson, Wynford Evans, Kenneth Bowen - tenors; Richard Angas, John Carol Case, John Noble, Christopher Keyte - basses. 1969 г.




Recorded: 18 February 1952, No.1 Studio, Abbey Road, London.

1975 г.


Songs of travel (1901-04):
I. The vagabond 00:00
II. Let beauty awake 03:14
III. The roadside fire 05:14
IV. Youth and love 07:38
V. In dreams 11:21
VI. The infinite shining heavens 14:18
VII. Whither must I wander? 16:55
VIII. Bright is the ring of words 20:59
IX. I have trod the upward and the downward slope 22:50

Оркестровая сюита из оперы, составлена М. Йейтсом: 1. A Street In Windsor, 2. Falstaff At The Garter Inn, 3. Page`s Hous, 4. A Field Near Windsor - Greensleeves, 5. Ford And Mistress Ford, 6. Midnight In Windsor Forest By Moonlight, 7. Finale. Abbey, Dorchester: 27 May 2016


Recorded in 1990.

1984 г. Оркестровая версия.


Released in 2005.


1973 г.


1984 г.

8 October 2009, Bridgewater Hall, Manchester.

1983 г.


Philip Catelinet - tuba.

Recorded in Henry Wood Hall 15-18 July 2002.

1970 г.

Запись 1993г.


MAGGINI QUARTET: Laurence Jackson and David Angel (violins), Martin Outram (viola), Michal Kaznowski (cello) with Garfield Jackson (viola). Recorded at Potton Hall, Suffolk, England, June 13-15, 2000.

Maîtrise de Radio France
Sofi Jeannin, Direction
Paris 2011


English Northern Philharmonia.
2.(1:44) Slow Dance.
3.(3:40) Quick Dance
4.(5:58) Slow Air.
5.(9:40) Rondo.
6.(11:42) Pezzo ostinato.




Cello – Paul Watkins. Recorded: July 2002, London.

Christ Church Cathedral Choir Oxford


1984 г.


Витя Вронский, Виктор Бэйбин - фортепиано. 1969 г.

Janice Watson - soprano, Peter Hoare - tenor, Stephen Gadd - baritone. Guildford Choral Society. St Catherine`s School Middle Chamber Choir.

Music Group of London: Hugh Bean, Frances Mason - violins; Christopher Wellington - viola, Eileen Croxford - cello. 1973 г.

Choristers of St Paul`s Cathedral. 1995 г.

CORYDON SINGERS. Recorded in 1990.

Хор the Finzi Singers, дирижёр Paul Spicer, орган- Harry Bicket, записано в соборе Saint Alban the Martyr, Holborn, London, 26 и 27 сентября 1990


Запись - 4 июля 1983 г., Англия.


Robert Levin, piano; recorded in 1986

Frances Mason - 2 violin. 1973 г.

David Willison - piano. 1973 г.

Boys Of King`s College Choir, Cambridge; Bach Choir. Запись - 18-19 января 1968 г., Лондон.

1. Prelude. 2. Slow Dance. 3. Quick Dance. 4. Slow Air. 5. Rondo. 6. Pezzo Ostinato. Recorded live at the Unitarian Universalist Congregation of Gwinnett, Lawrenceville, Ga., 12 October 2008.

Meredith Davies - conductor. Christopher Hyde-Smith - flute. Orchestra Nova of London. Ambrosian Singers. 1970 г.

February 1983 - Thomas Trotter, organ

Corydon Orchestra. Запись - 15 ноября 1992 г.


Bach Choir. 1967 г.

Betty Dolemore - soprano, Robert Spealght - speaker, Harry Gabb - organ. Luton Choral Society with a section of the Luton Girls` Choir.

Дэвид Белл - орган. 1979 г.

The Pilgrim - John Noble, John Bunyan - Raimund Herincx, Evangelist - John Carol Case. Four Neighbours: Pliable - Wynford Evans, Obstinate - Christopher Keyte, Mistrust - Geoffrey Shaw, Timorous - Bernard Dickerson. London Philharmonic Choir. Сhorus master - John Alldis. 1971 г.

`Overture` (from `The Wasps`). Recorded 3-4 November 2012 in the BBC Studios, Mediacity, Salford (England).

Academy of St.Martin-in-the-Fields; Neville Marriner; 1994

Roger Judd - organ. Записи 1991-92 гг.

Bournemouth Symphony Chorus. Chorus master - Geoffrey Hughes.

Paris 2017 Prologue :
Au garçon laboureur (To the Ploughboy)

Printemps :
1. Au début du printemps (Early in the Spring)
2. L’alouette au matin (The Lark in the Morning)
3. Chanson de mai (May Song)

Été :
1. Voici l’été qui vient et le Coucou (Summer is a-coming in and The Cuckoo)
2. Le brin de thym (The Sprig of Thyme)
3. La tonte du mouton (The Sheep Shearing)
4. La verte prairie (The Green Meadow)

Automne :
1. John Barleycorn
2. La tombe sans re

BBC Symphony Orchestra, Sir Malcolm Sargent, Larry Adler, Eric Gritton.


Nora - Norma Burrowes, soprano; Cathleen - Margaret Price, soprano;
Maurya - Helen Watts, contralto; Bartley - Benjamin Luxon, baritone; A Woman - Pauline Stevens, mezzo-soprano. Valerie Hill - soprano, Gloria Jennings - contralto. Ambrosian Singers women`s voices. Orchestra Nova of London. 1970 г.

Christopher Wellington - viola, David Parkhouse - piano. 1974 г.

Запись - 5 декабря 2009 г., Лондон (live).

1984 г.

1978 г. Сhorus master - John McCarthy. Choristers of 5t Paul`s Cathedral. Сhoir master - Barry Rose. Hugh the Drover - Robert Tear, Mary (the Constable`s daughter) - Sheila Armstrong, John the Butcher - Michael Rippon, The Constable - Robert Lloyd, Aunt Jane (the Constable`s sister) - Helen Watts, A Cheap-Jack - Leslie Fyson, A Shell-Fish Seller - Oliver Broomе, A Primrose Seller - Sally Burgess, A Showman - Terence Sharpe, A BaIlad Seller - David Johnston, Susan - Lynda Richardson.

Janet Craxton - oboe. 1970 г.

1. Full Fathom Five; 2. The Cloud-Capp`d Towers; 3. Over Hill, Over Dale. Запись 2000 г.

Baccholian Singers of London. 1977 г.

Choristers of St Paul`s Cathedral. 1995 г.


London Madrigal Singers. 1969 г.


London Philharmonic Choir - chorus master John Alldis. 1973 г.

Bach Choir. Сhorus master - Douglas Janes. 1986 г.

February 1995

Edited by Julian Rushton

1976 г.

Bach Choir. Jacques Orchestra. 1966 г.

Sir Philip Ledger. Thomas Trotter - organ. 1978 г.

Sir Philip Ledger - piano. 1977 г.

Запись - 31 мая-1 июня 1991 г., Лондон.

1987 г.

Susan Longfield - soprano. Choristers of St Paul`s Cathedral. 1995 г.

1984 - Overture

February 1995

Мартин Кац - фортепиано. 1999 г.

Sir Philip Ledger. Thomas Trotter - organ. 1975 г.

Choristers of St Paul`s Cathedral. 1995 г.


Pilgrim - Bryn Terfel, 1st Shepherd - Alan Opie, 2-nd Shepherd - Adrian Thompson, 3rd Shepherd - Jonathan Best, Celestial Messenger - J. M. Ainsley, Voice of Bird - Linda Kitchen. Записи 1991-92 гг.

October 1999

24-26 February 1995

1968 г.

Craig Rutenberg - piano. 1997 г.


No. 2 - The Solent

John Westbrook - speaker. Jacques Orchestra. Запись - 30 июля 1968 г., Кембридж.

October 1999

March 2002

Jennifer Partridge - piano. 1970 г.

Sir Philip Ledger - piano. 1977 г.

March 2002 - Martin Hindmarsh, tenor - Arranged by Stephen Hoggar

Robin Doveton - tenor. Choir of King`s College, Cambridge.

Jennifer Partridge - piano. 1970 г.

John Gielgud - Christian & Faithful, Richard Pasco - Evangelist & others, Ursula Howells - Shining Ones, Discretion, Prudence, Piety & Charity, Aiden Oliver (treble) - Shepherd`s boy. Запись - 21-22 ноября 1990 г.

March 2002

Oliver Brett - organ. 2007 г.

Choristers of St Paul`s Cathedral. 1995 г.

Choristers of St Paul`s Cathedral. 1995 г.

Geoffrey Shaw - baritone. Choristers of St Paul`s Cathedral. 1995 г.

March 2002 - with Sheffield Philharmonic Choir

2005 - with The Joyful Company of Singers

Choristers of St Paul`s Cathedral. 1995 г.

Christopher Keyte - baritone. Choristers of St Paul`s Cathedral. 1995 г.

Sir Philip Ledger - piano. 1977 г.

March 2002 - with Emily Gray, soprano

5-8 July 2004

March 2002 - Arranged by Stephen Hoggar

Choristers of St Paul`s Cathedral. 1995 г.

Choristers of St Paul`s Cathedral. 1995 г.

Записи 1991-92 гг.

January 1986

1968 - Arranged by Muir Mathieson

Craig Rutenberg - piano. 1997 г.

Thomas Williamson - organ. 2000 г.

Sir Philip Ledger - piano. 1977 г.

Sir Philip Ledger - piano. 1977 г.

Sir Philip Ledger - piano. 1977 г.

Choristers of St Paul`s Cathedral. 1995 г.

Sir Philip Ledger - piano. 1977 г.

March 2002 - Arranged by Stephen Hoggar

1970 г.

Sir Philip Ledger - piano. 1977 г.

Sir Philip Ledger - piano. 1977 г.

1990 - with London Philharmonic Choir

York Minster Choir. John Scott Whiteley - organ. 1995 г.

Choristers of St Paul`s Cathedral. 1995 г.

Choristers of St Paul`s Cathedral. 1995 г.

16-18 January 2002 - Reconstructed by Stephen Hogger

Sir Philip Ledger - piano. 1977 г.

Sir Philip Ledger - piano. 1977 г.

Sir Philip Ledger - piano. 1977 г.

Sir Philip Ledger - piano. 1977 г.

March 2002 - Arranged by Stephen Hoggar - with Chetham Chamber Choir

Sir Philip Ledger - piano. 1977 г.

Sir Philip Ledger - piano. 1977 г.

Sir Philip Ledger - piano. 1977 г.

Recorded in Kingsway Hall, London (England), February 14-16, 1968.

Sir Philip Ledger - piano. 1977 г.

Sir Philip Ledger - piano. 1977 г.

24-26 February 1995

Sir Philip Ledger - piano. 1977 г.


Sir Philip Ledger - piano. 1977 г.

March 2002 - Arranged by Stephen Hoggar - with Manchester Chamber Choir

Sir Philip Ledger - piano. 1977 г.

24-26 February 1995

24-26 February 1995

24-26 February 1995


Запись 1-2 июня 1995 г. Орган: Harrison & Harrison (1923). Caird Hall (г. Данди, Шотландия).

24-26 February 1995

фортепиано Iain Burnside (Иэн Бернсайд)
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