,  (Меррит)
Крис Меррит (тенор)

Cantata in onore del Sommo Pontefice Pio IX - La sua possente voce. Rec. 1993

Otello - Ah! sм, per voi giа sento. Rec. 1993

Guillaume Tell: Ne m`abandonne point...Asile héréditaire. Chris Merritt. Concert Chorale of New York. Saint Luke`s Chamber Ensemble – Roger Norrington. Rossini Bicentennial Gala – 29.02.1992, Avery Fischer Hall, New York.

Elisabetha - Della cieca fortuna. Rec. 1993

Benvenuto Cellini - Chris Merritt, Balducci - Jules Bastin, Fieramosca - Victor Braun, Le Pape Clément VII - Agostino Ferrin, Francesco - Francesco Memeo, Bernadino - Roberto Scaltriti, Pompeo - Augusto Frati, Teresa - Cecilia Gasdia, Cabaretier - Giorgio Giorgetti, Ascanio - Elena Zilio. Orchestra & Chorus - Teatro Comunale di Firenze. 1987.

Ermione - Balena in man del figlio. Rec. 1993

Запись январь 1981 год, Вена, Австрия

Live - 6 August 1993 - Montpelier - Chris Merritt (Sigurd), Michele Lagrange (Hilda), Valerie Millot (Brunehilde), Monte Pederson (Gunther), Helene Jossoud (Ute), Marcel Vanaud (Le Grande Pretre), Alain Vernes (Hagen), Wojtek Smilek (Le Bard) - Montpelier Opera du Rhin Chorus - Please note this recording is slightly over recorded.

Live - 18 October 2003 - Bastille, Paris - Karita Mattila (Salome), Falk Struckmann (Jokanaan), Chris Merritt (Herodes), Anja Silja (Herodias), William Burden (Narraboth), Michelle Breedt (Page), Wolfgang Ablinger-Sperrhacke, Martin Finke, Scott Wyatt, Robert Woerle, Ulrich Hielscher (Jews), Stanislaw Shvets, Mihajlo Arsenski (Nazarines), Kristof Klorek, Scott Wilde (Soldiers)

1988, Phillips, Giorgio Zancanaro (Guglielmo Tell); Cheryl Studer (Matilde); Chris Merritt (Arnoldo); Orchestra & Chorus of La Scala; Riccardo Muti
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