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Исполняют: Жан-Поль Риго (баритон), Антуан Гербер (арфа, руководитель ансамбля). Анже, Франция, 08/2004.

MusicaClassical (07.06.2014 22:22)
Спасибо, очень понравилось!

Anonymous (02.02.2017 23:51)
Оригинальный текст:

La doce acordance
D`amers sans descort
Velt sans descordance
Ke farce un descort
Par la descordanoe
Ke sovent recort
La belle, la blance,
A cui je m`acort.
Mais ce m`acort
Qui j`aim tant fort
Et de li sui en dotance,
Mais grant deport
Ai quant j`en port
Au mains d`amors la sarnblance,
Mais a grant tort
De moi s`estort
Quant ens li a ma fiance,
Car a som port
Par son effort
M`arive s`amors et lance.
Brunete et blance,
Saichies sans dotance
Ke vos m`esperance
Et tot mon cuer mis ai ;
Mais l`acointance
Tant mi desavance,
Ou autres s`avance
Par vous ke bien sai,
Mais n`ai poisance
Ke dels (vo) vaillance
Faice desevrance
Ne ja ne ferai;
Ains est fiance
Ke sans demorance
Vostre bienvaillance
Del tot en arai.
Car autrement convenroit a la fin,
Si com on dist le faus sevrer del fin
Ne nuit ne jor a ce penser ne fin
Ke fausete peusse traire a fin.
Por coi t`amerai
De cuer vrai
Sans esmai Sans delai
Et serai
En tel assai
Se porrai venir
Amon desir
A loisir
Sans fenir
De cuer entir
De celi dont rn`esmai,
Se s`amor n`ai
Ke dirai?
Ke ferai?
Je morrai
Quant bien sai
Ke n`em porrai
Jamais nul jor partir,
A som plaisir
Sans mentir
Tant desir
Que sospir
Quant remir
Les gries maus ke j`entrai.
Mais se mon cuers pooit aperchevoir
Por vrai ami ne porroit reten(o)ir,
K`ainc ne l`aimai certes por dechevoir
Ens en la fin en savra bien le voir
Et s`ensi muir sans vraie amor avoir,
Amors malgre l`en devera savoir.
Voire car bien set
Et voi mon fin coraige
Ke por s`amor a fait sovent doloir
Mais tant est prex,
Tant cortoise et tant saige,
Ke ens la fin ne me puet mal voloir.
Bien l`apercut quant je par mon folaige
Pres euc perdu de son cuer le manoir,
Mais je li proi ke en son iretaige
Soie remis a tos jors por manoir.

Anonymous (02.02.2017 23:52)
Перевод на англ. язык:

The sweet accord
Of Love without discord Wishes without dispute That I compose a descort
For the discord That is often recalled By the fair beauty To whom I am in thrall.
let her grant me this, She whom I love so dearly, And yet I fear;
But I have great pleasure When I receive At least the appearance of love.
Yet unjustly Does she turn from me, When my trust lies with her, For by her demeanour
And her own wishes Her love comes to me and disputes. Brunette with fair complexion,
Know that without doubt That I have placed all my hopes And all my heart in you;
ut the relationship distances itself from me, While another progresses, Through yourself,

I know well, But I cannot Separate myself From your worthiness, Nor shall I.
Rather I am sure That without delay I shall receive fully Your goodwill. For otherwise,
I would have To separate the true lover from the false, As one says; Neither night nor
do I cease to think That I could commit such treason. Wherefore I shall love you With
true heart, Without fear, Without delay, And will mount Such an assault That I might
succeed In
accomplishing My desire At my leisure, Without end, With true heart. If I do not achieve
The love of her who troubles me, What shall I say? What shall I do? I shall die For I
know well
That I shall not be able Ever to leave her; I desire so much To please Her wishes,
Without a lie,
That I sigh When I contemplate The sufferings I endure. But if she could perceive my
She would retain me as a true lover; For I never loved her in order to deceive her . She
will see
this truth eventually And if I expire without achieving true love, Love deserves censure.
for he knows and sees my true heart That he has often made suffer for love of her. But
she is so worthy, courtly and wise, That in the end she cannot wish me ill. I perceived it
when through my folly. I almost lost the way to her heart; But I beseech her that I may be
restored to her heart for ever.

moon_river (02.02.2017 23:53)
Дима, спасибо!!!

Anonymous (03.02.2017 00:01)
moon_river писал(а):
Дима, спасибо!!!
Пожалуйста) Текст
красивый, мелодия тоже. Во славу мессира Адама из Живанши поднимаю кубок вина!
Исполнение прекрасное! Очень хороший и профессиональный ансамбль!

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