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dushah (15.08.2014 08:22)
The composition Co - wie Kobalt, music for double bass and big orchestra is inspired by
the element `cobalt`, found in life saving or useful products (f.e. vitamin B12 or in
different colours) as well as in deadly chemical combinations (f.e. in the atomic cobalt
bomb); it is also inspired by the poem Agglutinati all`oggi, written by the Italian poet
Giuseppe Ungaretti (1888 - 1970), that lays a formal and rhythmical foundation (basis),
transforming the Italian text into morse codes of various durations. The double bass as a
still dispised solo-instrument is mostly `singing` in very high regions of pitches,
produced by natural and artificial harmonics, being accompagnied and/or commented by the

Gerhard Staebler

Kuumuudessa (15.08.2014 11:07)
bubusir (14.08.2014 14:48) в сети в сети
Пока что лучшее , что слышал для контрабаса и оркестра ! Рекомендую к прослушиванию !

Марии - огромный бонус !! и респект и уважение

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