Амстердамский барочный оркестр

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`Laudamus Te` from `Gloria`, RV 589 (Arranged for two cellos, strings and basso continuo by Ton Koopman). Yo-Yo-Ma, Jonathan Manson - baroque cellos. Recorded at De Staatsgehoorzaal, Leiden, Holland, November 17-20, 2003.

`Quanto magis generosa from `Juditha triumphans`, RV 644 (Arranged for cello, viola d`amore and strings by Ton Koopman). Yo-Yo-Ma - baroque cello, Katherine McGillivray - viola d`amore. Recorded at De Staatsgehoorzaal, Leiden, Holland, November 17-20, 2003.

`Noli, o cara, te adorantis` from `Juditha triumphans`, RV 644 (Arranged for cello, oboe and basso continuo by Ton Koopman). Yo-Yo-Ma - baroque cello. Recorded at De Staatsgehoorzaal, Leiden, Holland, November 17-20, 2003.

`La gloria del mio sangue` from `Giustino`, RV 717 (Arranged for cello, two oboes and basso continuo by Ton Koopman). Yo-Yo-Ma - baroque cello, Michel Henry - baroque oboe. Recorded at De Staatsgehoorzaal, Leiden, Holland, November 17-20, 2003.

`Cosi sugl occhi miei` из оперы `Верная нимфа`, RV 714 (Arranged for cello, violin, oboe, bassoon, string and basso continuo by Ton Koopman). Yo-Yo-Ma - baroque cello, Margaret Faultless - baroque violin, Wouter Verschuren - baroque bassoon. Recorded at De Staatsgehoorzaal, Leiden, Holland, November 17-20, 2003.

Из цикла `Времена года`, RV 297 `Зима` (2 ч., Largo). Yo-Yo-Ma - baroque cello. Recorded at De Staatsgehoorzaal, Leiden, Holland, November 17-20, 2003.
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