Лондонский симфонический оркестр

1. Lily`s Theme (2:29)
2. The Tunnel (1:10)
3. Underworld (5:26)
4. Gringotts (2:24)
5. Dragon Flight (1:45)
6. Neville (1:41)
7. A New Headmaster (3:26)
8. Panic Inside Hogwarts (1:54)
9....Читать дальше
1. Lily`s Theme (2:29)
2. The Tunnel (1:10)
3. Underworld (5:26)
4. Gringotts (2:24)
5. Dragon Flight (1:45)
6. Neville (1:41)
7. A New Headmaster (3:26)
8. Panic Inside Hogwarts (1:54)
9. Statues (2:24)
10. The Grey Lady (5:51)
11. In The Chamber Of Secrets (1:38)
12. Battlefield (2:14)
13. The Diadem (3:08)
14. Broomsticks and Fire (1:24)
15. Courtyard Apocalypse (2:00)
16. Snape`s Demise (2:52)
17. Severus and Lily (6:09)
18. Harry`s Sacrifice (1:58)
19. The Resurrection Stone (4:33)
20. Harry Surrenders (1:31)
21. Procession (2:08)
22. Neville The Hero (2:17)
23. Showdown (3:38)
24. Voldemort`s End (2:44)
25. A New Beginning (1:39)

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Choir: London Voices / Recorded and mixed at Abbey Road Studios, London, England
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