Наталья Колесникова

Наталья Колесникова (дирижер)
Blessed Land. Choral Cycle to words of  M. A. Probatov for mixed choir, flute, piccolo, timpani, tam-tam and piano. 1989-2008,  (Voulfov)

Parting. Words by the composer,  (Voulfov)

White Land. Words by the composer,  (Voulfov)

Songs of the Past. Suite for mixed choir and piano,  (Voulfov)

By Lonely Strings. Words by the composer,  (Voulfov)

Song is over. Words by the composer,  (Voulfov)

Beautiful Days. Words by the composer,  (Voulfov)

That Will Be Remembered,  (Voulfov)
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