1. Childhood among the Ferns 1947/8?
2. Before and After Summer
3. The Self-Unseeing 1949
4. Overlooking the River before 1940
5. Channel Firing 1940
6. In the Mind’s Eye
7. The Too Short... Читать дальше
1. Childhood among the Ferns 1947/8?
2. Before and After Summer
3. The Self-Unseeing 1949
4. Overlooking the River before 1940
5. Channel Firing 1940
6. In the Mind’s Eye
7. The Too Short Time 1949
8. Epeisodia
9. Amabel 1932
10. He Abjures Love 1938

Х Свернуть

Вокальный цикл `Before and After Summer` (Words by Thomas Hardy), op.16 (Финци)
Запись - 17-20 декабря 1984 г., Лондон.
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