`Лирическое путешествие`, 24 пьесы для арфы,  (Обертюр)

Карл Обертюр (1819–1895)

`Лирическое путешествие`, 24 пьесы для арфы

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1. Norway - Hymne nationale
2. Sweden
3. Denmark - Hymne populaire
4. Russia - God save the emperor
5. Prussia
6. Prussia
7. Poland - Noch is Polen nicht verloren
8. Saxony
9. Bavaria -...Читать дальше
1. Norway - Hymne nationale
2. Sweden
3. Denmark - Hymne populaire
4. Russia - God save the emperor
5. Prussia
6. Prussia
7. Poland - Noch is Polen nicht verloren
8. Saxony
9. Bavaria - Walhalla chor
10. Austria - God preserve the emperor by Haydn
11. Hungary - Ragoczy marche
12. Sardinia
13. Romagna
14. Naples - Air Napolitaine
15. Spain - Hymne constitutionelle
16. Portugal - Hymne constitutionelle
17. Switzerland
18. France - La Marseillaise
19. France - Les Girondins
20. Belgium - Le chant du Belge
21. Holland - Wien Neerlandsch bloed
22. England - Rule Britannia
23. America - Hail Columbia
24. England - God save the queen

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