The Third and Last Booke of Songs or Aires (1603): №16. `Fie on this faining`,  (Доуленд)

Джон Доуленд (1563–1626)

The Third and Last Booke of Songs or Aires (1603): №16. `Fie on this faining`

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Fie on this feigning
is love without desire,
Heat still remaining
and yet no spark of fire?
Thou art untrue, nor wert with fancy movèd,
for Desire hath pow`r on all that ever lovèd....Читать дальше
Fie on this feigning
is love without desire,
Heat still remaining
and yet no spark of fire?
Thou art untrue, nor wert with fancy movèd,
for Desire hath pow`r on all that ever lovèd.

Show some relenting,
or grant thou dost now love,
two hearts consenting
shall they no comforts prove?
Yield, or confess that love is without pleasure,
and that women`s bounties rob men of their treasure.

Truth is not placèd
in words and forcèd smiles,
Love is not gracèd
with that which still beguiles.
Love or dislike, yield fire, or give no fuel,
so may`st thou prove kind, or at the least less cruel.

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1987, Лондон


из альбома `A Song for my Lady` (2014)

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