Баллада `Puisque je suy fumeux, plains de fumee` (ок. 1395),  (Аспруа)

Жеан Симон Аспруа (1350–1428)

Баллада `Puisque je suy fumeux, plains de fumee` (ок. 1395)

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Perrine Devillers (soprano) / Vincent Kibildis (harp, vocal) / Sophia Danilevskaia (fiddle) / Anna Danilevskaia (fiddle and direction) // 2018

Francesca Cassinari, Alena Dantcheva: cantus, Gianluca Ferrarini: tenor, Marta Graziolino: harp // Michele Pasotti: lute and direction // 2014

Marnix de Cat (countertenor, percussion), Jan Caals (tenor), Lieven Termont (baritone), Dirk Snellings (bass), Liam Fennelly (vielle), Jowan Merckx (recorders, bagpipe), Jan van Outryve (lute) / Leuven, 2004

Laurie Monahan (mezzo-soprano), Michael Collver (corno muto), Shira Kammen (vielle) / Wellesley, MA, 1987

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