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Preview of `Magyar Magic. New York Philharmonic`s Hungarian Echoes Festival`. Esa-Pekka Salonen weighs in on Haydn, Bartok and Ligeti; with performances by Philharmonic musicians, and pianists Conor Hanick and Marino Formenti.

Kuumuudessa (19.10.2013 23:44)
Ligeti - Continuum (6:30)
Ligeti - Hungarian rock (15:05)

Haydn - Introduction and Earthquake from `7 Last Words...` (24:40)
Kurtag - Fugitive thoughts about the Alberti bass (37:50)
Kurtag - Tumble-Bunny (from `Games`)
Kurtag - Hommage а Farkas Ferenc
Bartok - extracts from Romanian folk dances (42:56)
Kurtag - In memoriam Andras Mihaly (46:03)

Парни из NY Philharmonic:
Haydn - extract from SQ op. 74 n. 1 (55:34)
Bartok - extract from SQ n. 4
Ligeti - extract from SQ n. 2

bubusir (20.10.2013 00:02)
Kuumuudessa писал(а):
Haydn - extract from SQ op. 74 n. 1 (55:34)
Bartok - extract from SQ n. 4
Ligeti - extract from SQ n. 2
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