Ñêà÷àòü íîòû

The fatal hour comes on apace,
Which I had rather die than see,
For when fate calls you from this place,
You go to certain misery.
The thought does stab me to the heart,
And gives me pangs no...×èòàòü äàëüøå
The fatal hour comes on apace,
Which I had rather die than see,
For when fate calls you from this place,
You go to certain misery.
The thought does stab me to the heart,
And gives me pangs no word can speak,
It wracks me in each vital part,
Sure when you go, my heart will break.
Since I for you so much endure,
May I not hope you will believe,
’Tis you alone these wounds can cure,
Which are the fountains of my grief.

Õ Ñâåðíóòü

Ý. Êåííè - òåîðáà. Recorded in January 2006 at St Paul’s Church, New Southgate, London, England

tagantsev (30.09.2016 18:38)
Ñïàñèáî çà ýòè âûêëàäêè ñ Êåííè

Osobnyak (30.09.2016 19:33)
tagantsev ïèñàë(à):
Ñïàñèáî çà ýòè âûêëàäêè ñ Êåííè
äîñëóøàþ ϸðñåëëà - åù¸ ïîäáðîñèì.

Íàøè êîíòàêòû