Либретто: Вайолет Пэн (Violet Pearn) по мотивам романа Алджернона Блэквуда `Пленник сказочной страны`
Act I
1. To the Children. `O children, open your arms to me` (Organ Grinder - Baritone)...Читать дальше
Эдвард Элгар - `Звездный экспресс`, детский спектакль для баритона, сопрано и оркестра (1915), op. 78
Либретто: Вайолет Пэн (Violet Pearn) по мотивам романа Алджернона Блэквуда `Пленник сказочной страны`
Act I 1. To the Children. `O children, open your arms to me` (Organ Grinder - Baritone)...Читать дальше
Либретто: Вайолет Пэн (Violet Pearn) по мотивам романа Алджернона Блэквуда `Пленник сказочной страны`
Act I 1. To the Children. `O children, open your arms to me` (Organ Grinder - Baritone) Act II 2. The Blue-Eyes Fairy. `There`s a fairy that hides` (Organ Grinder - Baritone) 3. Sc.1: Curfew Song. `The sun has gone` (Organ Grinder - Baritone) 4. Sc.1: The Laugher`s Song. `I`m ev`rywhere` (Laugher - Soprano) 5. Sc.1: Come Little Winds. `Wake up you little night winds` (Organ Grinder - Baritone) 6. Sc.3: Tears and Laughter. `Oh! stars shine brightly!` (Laugher - Soprano) 7. Sc.3: Sunrise Song (or Dawn Song). `We shall meet the morning spiders` (Jane Anne - Soprano) Act III 8. My Old Tunes. `My old tunes are rather broken` (Organ Grinder - Baritone) 9. Sc.1: `Dandelions, daffodils` (Jane Anne - Soprano) a. Blue-Eyes Fairy b. Dance of the Pleides 10. Sc.2: `Laugh a little ev`ry day` (Laugher - Soprano) 11. The Dawn. `They`re all soft-shiny now` (Organ Grinder - Baritone) 12. `Oh, think Beauty` (Jane Anne - Soprano) 13. Finale (duet): Hearts must be soft-shiny dressed. `Dustman, Laugher, Tramp and busy Sweep` (Jane Anne - soprano, Cousin Henry - baritone) Composition Year 1915 Genre Categories Incidental music; Theatrical Works; For 2 voices, orchestra; [9 more...] Х Свернуть ![]() |
Act I Scene 1: The Earth had forgotten it`s a star - The Lamplighter passes - Light
and hope - The Organ-Grinder is heard - The Star Society 1:14
Act I Scene 1: Daddy`s star story - The Star Cave 2:03
Act I Scene 1: The Gardener comes - A great Un-wumbler`s coming - Jinny tries on the
veil 1:23
Act I Scene 1: The Organ-Grinder and the Sprites bring Henry`s luggage 0:53
Act I Scene 2: What jolly stars! - Good night 2:20
Act II: The Blue-Eyes Fairy 3:34
Act II Scene 1: The Pine Forest: The Sun has Gone, `Curfew Song` 6:37
Act II Scene 1: The Pine Forest: Home to sleep 2:23
Act II Scene 1: The Pine Forest: Outside the Star Cave - The Wumbled people call out
for Star-Dust - Arrival of the Starlight Express 3:02
Act II Scene 1: The Pine Forest: Entry of the Sweep - Entry of the Organ-Grinder -
Entry of the Gardener 0:43
Act II Scene 1: The Pine Forest: Entry of the Laugher - Laugher`s Song 1: I`m
everywhere - Entry of the Lamplighter - Let`s ask the Organ-Grinder 1:24
Act II Scene 1: The Pine Forest: Organ-Grinder`s Song 4: Wake up, you little Night
Winds 1:18
Act II Scene 1: The Pine Forest: The Dance of the Little Winds 2:36
Act II Scene 1: The Pine Forest: The kind old Dustman - Into the Star Cave 1:34
Act II Scene 1: The Pine Forest: Loading up with Star-Dust 2:38
Act II Scene 1: The Pine Forest: The Wistaria Pension at night 1:09
Act II Scene 2: The Wistaria Pension: The Lamplighter at work - Off again 2:03
Act II Scene 3: The Den at night - Un-wumbling Daddy and Laugher`s Songs 2 and 3: Oh,
stars, shine brightly; They`ll listen to my song 4:11
Act II Scene 3: The Lamplighter at work again - Departure of the Sprites - The Dawn
Song 2:18
Act III: My Old Tunes 4:47
Act III Scene 1: Jane Anne`s Song - Miss Waghorn - The source of life; Daddy`s
inspiration 3:00
Act III Scene 1: The Waltz of the Blue-Eyes Fairy 4:13
Act III Scene 2: The Pine Forest at Night: Outside the Star Cave again … Laugher`s
Song 4: Laugh a little ev`ry day … Organ-Grinder`s Song 6: They`re all soft-shiny now -
Arrival of the Grannie 8:08
Act III Scene 2: The Pine Forest at Night: The spirit of Miss Waghorn - Daddy`s
tender light - Daddy enters 1:32
Act III Scene 2: The Pine Forest at Night: Our Fairyland 1:59
Act III Scene 2: The Pine Forest at Night: The Dance of the Pleiades - Song - The
Rising of the Star
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прекрасна. `Звёздный эспресс` уносит слушателя в сказочную страну наполненую волшебством.