Государственный академический симфонический оркестр СССР

Текст кардинала Ньюмена

Part I
1. Prelude (orchestra)
2. “Jesu, Maria – I am near to death” (Gerontius)
3. So pray for me… Kyrie eleison… Holy Mary, pray for him (Gerontius / semi-chorus /...Читать дальше
Текст кардинала Ньюмена

Part I
1. Prelude (orchestra)
2. “Jesu, Maria – I am near to death” (Gerontius)
3. So pray for me… Kyrie eleison… Holy Mary, pray for him (Gerontius / semi-chorus / chorus)
4. Rouse thee, my fainting soul (Gerontius)
5. Sanctus fortis, Sanctus Deus (Gerontius)
6. I can no more (Gerontius / chorus / semi-chorus)
7. Profiscere, anima Christiana (Priest / chorus / semi-chorus)

Part II
1. Prelude (orchestra)
2. I went to sleep (Gerontius)
3. Another marvel… My work is done (Soul / Angel)
4. It is a member of that family (Soul / Angel)
5. But hark!... Low-born clods of brute earth (Soul / Angel / chorus)
6. Dispossessed / Aside thrust (chorus)
7. I see not those false spirits (Soul / Angel)
8. There was a mortal… Praise to the Holiest (Angel / semi-chorus / chorus / Soul)
9. But hark! a grand mysterious harmony (Soul / Angel / chorus)
10. Thy judgment now is near (Angel / Soul)
11. Jesu! by that shuddering dread (Angel of the Agony / Soul / semi-chorus / chorus)
12. Praise to His Name!... Take me away (Angel / Soul / chorus)
13. Softly and gently (Angel / chorus / semi-chorus)

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Артур Дейвис - тенор, Норман Бейли - баритон. Хормейстер - Ричард Хикокс. Запись из Большого зала Московской консерватории 21 апреля 1983 г.