Лондонский симфонический оркестр

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1. Andes To Amazon (00:37)
2. Race To The Edge Of The World (03:38)
3. Silver Rings In The Amazon (02:58)
4. The Power Of The Sea (04:04)
5. Lost Worlds (01:30)
6. Oceans Of Plenty (01:36)
7. El Niño-Fire And Silence (03:51)
8. Following The Grand Currents (03:04)
9. Arrival (01:20)
10. Out Of The Seas-A Great Continent (03:47)
11. Children Of The Amazon (01:18)
12. From The Mountains (02:17)
13. Death On The Amazon (00:55)
14. The Great Plains (02:07)
15. Getting Wet (00:34)
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