As One Who Has Slept (1996)  |
Away in a manger  |
Behold, the Bridegroom Cometh  |
Birthday Sleep for mixed chorus (1999)  |
Butterfly Dreams, for mixed chorus (2002)  |
Eternity`s Sunrise (1997)  |
Exhortation and Kohima, for two mixed choruses (2003)  |
Funeral Canticle (1996)  |
Funeral Ikos (1981)  |
God Is With Us: Christmas Proclamation (1987)  |
I will lift up mine eyes unto the hills  |
Ikon of Eros (2000)  |
Ikon of Light (1984)  |
Ikon of the Nativity (1991)  |
In Memory of Two Cats (1986)  |
Lament of the Mother of God (1989)  |
Lamentations and Praises (2000)  |
Love bade me welcome (1985)  |
Magnificat & Nunc dimittis (Collegium Regale)  |
Mandoodles (1982)  |
Palin (1977)  |
Panikhida - Orthodox Office for the Dead  |
Petra: a ritual dream (1996)  |
Pratirupa (2003)  |
Prayer of the Heart  |
Sappho: Lyrical Fragments (1981)  |
Schuon Hymnen, for mixed chorus (2003)  |
Shûnya, for mixed chorus and Tibetan bowl (2003)  |
Song for Athene (1993)  |
Song of the Angel (1995)  |
Svyati (Святый) для виолончели и хора (1995)  |
The Bridal Chamber, for mixed chorus (1999)  |
The Eternal Sun for choir (2007)  |
The Hidden Treasure (1989)  |
The Lamb (1982)  |
The Last Sleep of the Virgin  |
The Liturgy of St. John Chrysostom, Op. 32  |
The Lord`s Prayer  |
The Protecting Veil for cello and string orchestra  |
The Second Coming, for mixed chorus and organ (2001)  |
The Tiger (1985)  |
The Whale (1966)  |
Three Antiphons (1995)  |
Today the Virgin (1989)  |
Two Hymns to the Mother of God (1985)  |
Ypakoe (1997)  |
Zodiacs (1997)  |
`Coplas`, кельтский реквием. Памяти Дженни Джонс  |
`Eternal Memory` для виолончели и струнного оркестра  |
`Thrinos`, соло для виолончели (1990)  |
`Wake Up... and Die` for Solo Cello and Orchestral Cello Section  |
`Агнец`, `Вечное`, `Отче наш`. Три хора а капелла.  |
`Мироносица` (Myrrh-Bearer) для альта, хора и ансамбля ударных (1993)  |
Благодарственный акафист (1987)  |
Ныне отпущаеши  |
Реквием Ахматовой (1980)  |
Реквием для виолончели, 2-х голосов, хора и оркестра  |
Шесть русских народных песен  |