Consort music: Almain in F major (4 viols) |
Consort music: Fantasia (6 viols) |
Consort music: Fantasia I (3 viols) |
Consort music: Fantasia XII (3 viols) |
Consort music: Fantasia XIV (3 viols) |
Consort music: Galliard - Thomas Simpson (5 viols, organ) |
Consort music: In Nomine II (3 viols) |
Consort music: Pavan in A minor (5 viols, organ) |
Consort music: Pavan in F major (4 viols) |
Consort music: Ut re mi (hexachord fantasia: 4 viols) |
Keyboard music: Barafostus’ dream |
Keyboard music: Clarifica me Pater (1650) |
Keyboard music: Fancy (1646) |
Keyboard music: Fancy (1647) |
Keyboard music: Fancy (1648) |
Keyboard music: Fancy (for two to play) |
Keyboard music: Fancy - for viols |
Keyboard music: Fancy `For the vyalls` (for two to play) |
Keyboard music: Fortune my foe (1654) |
Keyboard music: Galliard (1654) |
Keyboard music: Galliard - Earl Strafford |
Keyboard music: Galliard of three parts |
Keyboard music: Ground |
Keyboard music: Grounde |
Keyboard music: Hunting galliard |
Keyboard music: In nomine (1648) |
Keyboard music: In nomine (1648) |
Keyboard music: In nomine (1650) (version I) |
Keyboard music: In nomine (1650) (version II) |
Keyboard music: In nomine (1652) |
Keyboard music: Lady Folliott´s galliard |
Keyboard music: Miserere (1652) |
Keyboard music: Pavan |
Keyboard music: Pavan (1647) |
Keyboard music: Pavan (1650) |
Keyboard music: Pavan (1654) |
Keyboard music: Pavan - Earl Strafford (1647) |
Keyboard music: Pavan - Lord Canterbury (1647) |
Keyboard music: Pavan of three parts |
Keyboard music: Paven and Galliard |
Keyboard music: Perpetual round (1654) |
Keyboard music: Prelude |
Keyboard music: Prelude (II) |
Keyboard music: Robin Hood |
Keyboard music: Sad pavan for these distracted times (1649) |
Keyboard music: Toy - Made at Polle court |
Keyboard music: Ut mi re (hexachord fantasia) |
Keyboard music: Ut re mi fa sol la (hexachord fantasia) |
Keyboard music: Voluntary |
Keyboard music: Voluntary (1647) |
Keyboard music: What if a day |
Keyboard music: Worcester Brawis |
Oyez! Has Any Found a Lad |
Vocal music: Above the stars my saviour dwells |
Vocal music: Almighty God, the fountain of all wisdom (anthem) |
Vocal music: Arise, O Lord God, lift up thine hand |
Vocal music: Be strong and of a Good courage (anthem) |
Vocal music: Behold, the hour cometh and now is |
Vocal music: Funeral Sentences |
Vocal music: Great and marvellous are thy works |
Vocal music: Jubilate |
Vocal music: Magnificat |
Vocal music: My Beloved Spake (verse anthem) |
Vocal music: My shepherd is the living Lord |
Vocal music: Nunc dimittis |
Vocal music: O God, the proud are risen against me (anthem) |
Vocal music: O Lord, let me know mine end (Verse Anthem: 5 viols, 5 voices) |
Vocal music: O sing unto the Lord a new song (anthem) |
Vocal music: Te Deum |
Vocal music: Then David mourned (anthem) |
Vocal music: Thou art my King, o God (5 viols, 5 voices) |
Vocal music: When David heard (anthem) |
Vocal music: Woe is me (anthem) |