1. Magnificat (Adagio)
2. Et exultavit (Allegro)
3. Et misericordia (Andante molto)
4. Fecit potentiam (Presto)
5. Deposuit potentes (Allegro)
6. Esurientes implevit bonis (Allegro)
7.... Читать дальше
1. Magnificat (Adagio)
2. Et exultavit (Allegro)
3. Et misericordia (Andante molto)
4. Fecit potentiam (Presto)
5. Deposuit potentes (Allegro)
6. Esurientes implevit bonis (Allegro)
7. Suscepit Israel (Largo - Allegro - Adagio)
8. Sicut locutus (Allegro ma poco)
9. Gloria Patri (Largo - Andante - Allegro)

Х Свернуть

Магнификат соль минор для солистов, 2-х хоров и 2-х оркестров, RV610a (Вивальди)
Susan Gritton, Lisa Milne – soprano, Catherine Denley – alto, Lynton Atkinson – tenor, David Wilson-Johnson – bass, The Choristors and choir of the King`s Consort
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