Филипп Лэнгридж

Филипп Лэнгридж (тенор)
Geoffrey Chaucer (1343-1400)

Your eyen two
So hath your beauty
Since I from love

`Merciless Beauty` - three rondels for tenor, two violins and cello (1921),  (Vaughan-Williams)
28 May 1986
I. `Agnus Dei` (Lento)
II. `Beat! beat! drums!` (Allegro moderato)
III. Reconciliation (Andantino)
IV. Dirge for Two Veterans (Moderato alia marcia)
V. `The Angel of Death has been abroad` (L`istesso tempo)
VI. `0 man greatly beloved`

Cantata `Dona Nobis Pacem` (1936),  (Vaughan-Williams)
Запись 1993г.
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