1. Symphony
2. Welcome to all the pleasure
3. Here the deities approve - While joys celestial
4. Then lift up your voices
5. Beauty, thou scene of love
6. In a Concort of voices

Îäà íà äåíü Ñâÿòîé Öåöèëèè `Welcome to all the pleasures` (1683), Z 339 (ϸðñåëë)
DA SONAR: Chantal RÉMILLARD (violin); Christine MORAN (violin); Margaret LITTLE (viola); Susie NAPPER (bass viol and cello); Sylvain BERGERON (lute and theorbo); Réjean POIRIER (harpsichord and organ). Recorded at Saint-Augustin Church, Saint-Augustin-de-Mirabel, Québec (Canada), 1997.
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