When others sing Venite exultemus,
Stand by and turn to Noli aemulari,
For Quare fremuerunt use Oremus;
Vivat Eliza for an Ave Maria,
And teach those swains that live about thy cell,
To... ×èòàòü äàëüøå
When others sing Venite exultemus,
Stand by and turn to Noli aemulari,
For Quare fremuerunt use Oremus;
Vivat Eliza for an Ave Maria,
And teach those swains that live about thy cell,
To say Amen when thou dost pray so well.

[1] `Come, let us rejoice.`
[2] The title of Psalm 36. Literally, `Seek not to envy.`
[3] The title of Psalm 2. Literally, `Wherefore do they shout/disturb.`
[4] `Let us pray.`
[5] (Long) `Live Eliza` (Queen Elizabeth)
[6] `Hail Mary`

Õ Ñâåðíóòü

The Second Booke of Songs or Ayres (1600): ¹ 8 `When others sing Venite`,  (Äîóëåíä)
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