`Stand round, my brave boys or Song made for the Gentlemen Volunteers of the City of London`

First performance : Sung by Thomas Lowe in `The Relapse or Virtue in Danger` by John Vanbrugh, at... Читать дальше
`Stand round, my brave boys or Song made for the Gentlemen Volunteers of the City of London`

First performance : Sung by Thomas Lowe in `The Relapse or Virtue in Danger` by John Vanbrugh, at Drury Lane Theatre, London: 14 November 1745. Published: 1745. Published as `A Song made for the Gentlemen Volunteers of the City of London` (1745)

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Английские песни: №18 `Stand round` (1745), HWV 228, №18 (Гендель)
Andrew Carwood, Simon Davies - tenors. David Miller - theorbo, Katherine Sharman - cello. Запись 2000 г.
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