Николай Петров

Николай Петров (фортепиано)
«Aufforderung zum Tanz»

Rondeau brillant `Invitation to the Dance` in Des-dur, op. 65 (Weber)
Live recording.
1. Allegro
2. Adagio
3. Minuetto
4. Rondo: Presto

Piano Sonata No.1 C-dur, op. 24 (Weber)
MELODIYA, 1970e.

Parts of Works,  (Weber)
``Perpetum Mobile, Rondo, Fourth Movement of Sonata No. 1 in C major, Op.24``. From NIKOLAI PETROV PLAYS ENCORES released on CD by OLYMPIA (UK) in 1995.

Parts of Works,  (Weber)
``Perpetum Mobile, Rondo, Fourth Movement of Sonata No. 1 in C major, Op. 24``. From NIKOLAI PETROV PLAYS ENCORES released on CD by OLYMPIA (UK) in 1995.
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