Авторство сомнительно.

1. Allegro
2. Largo
3. Allegro
4. [Allegro]

4 Mirrow canons (duos) for 2 Violins (1777-78?), KV284dd (Anh.10.16) (Mozart)
1. Allegro (`Зеркальный дуэт`). Исполнители не установлены. 2008 год.
Авторство Моцарта сомнительно.

1. Quadrille or Leza in D major
2. Contredance in D major
3. Quadrille in D major
4. Contredance in B flat major
6. Contredance in D major
7. Contredance `La Favorite` in F major

9 country dances (quadrilles) for orchestra (1787?), KV510 (Anh. 293c/C 23.02) (Mozart)
Записано 7 танцев.

Allegro for Klavier and Violin in A-dur (fragment) (1782), KV385E (480a/Anh. 48) (Mozart)
Netherlands Soloists Ensemble, 1992

Allegro for Violin and Piano in G Major (fragment) (1788), KV546a (Anh. 47) (Mozart)
Netherlands Soloists Ensemble, 1992

Allegro for String Quartet in G Minor (fragment) (1789), KV587a (Anh. 74) (Mozart)
Netherlands Soloists Ensemble, 1992

Allegro for String Quintet in Es-dur (1791), KV613b (Anh. 82) (Mozart)
Members of the Radio-Sinfonieorchester Wien.

Allegro for String Quintet in E Flat Major (fragment) (1791), KV613a (Anh. 81) (Mozart)
Members of the Radio-Sinfonieorchester Wien.

Allegro for Piano Trio in B-dur (fragment, 1786), KV501a (Anh. 51) (Mozart)
Members of the Radio-Sinfonieorchester Wien.

Andante for String Quintet in D Major (fragment) (1790), KV592b (Anh. 83) (Mozart)
Members of the Radio-Sinfonieorchester Wien.

Andantino for Cello and Piano in B Flat Major (fragment) (1781-82), KV374g (Anh. 46) (Mozart)
Netherlands Soloists Ensemble, 1992
Авторство сомнительно. Автор Франческо (1661-1727) или Квирино (1721-1778) Гаспарини.

Hymn `Adoramus te` for choir and organ, KV327 (Mozart)
2000s? (radio broadcast)
Рукопись Леопольда Моцарта. Теперь принято считать, что автор гимна Иоганн Эрнст Эберлин (1702-1762). Гимн был скопирован, возможно, по просьбе Моцарта (во время сочинения мессы до минор).

Hymn `Justum dixit Dominus` for choir and organ (1771?), KV326 (93d) (Mozart)
2000s? (radio broadcast)
В реконструкции использованы фрагменты концертов для трубы Леопольда Моцарта и (или) Иоганна Михаэля Гайдна.

1. Largo
2. Spiritoso

Concerto for Trumpet and Orchestra in C Major (lost, reconstruction) (1768), KV  47c (Mozart)
Germany, 1990s.

Song `Ja! grüß dich Gott` for solo voice (sketch aria?) (1783), KV441a (Mozart)

Rondo for Clarinet and String Trio in Es-dur (fragment) (1787), KV516d (Mozart)
Members of the Radio-Sinfonieorchester Wien.

Rondo for String Quartet in B-dur (fragment, 1784), KV458b (Anh. 71) (Mozart)
Members of the Radio-Sinfonieorchester Wien.
Аранжировка Иоганна Андре (1741-1799). Опубликовано в 1802 году как оp. 108 Моцарта.

1. Allegro
2. Larghetto
3. Menuetto
4. Allegretto con variazioni

String Quintet after KV 581 in A major, KVAnh. 175 (Mozart)
Аранжировка Иоганна Андре (1741-1799). Опубликовано в 1803 году как оp. 109 Моцарта.

1. Allegro
2. Andante
3. Allegro

String Quintet after KV 407 in E flat major, KVAnh. 176 (Mozart)

Fragment for String Quartet in E Major, KVdeest (Mozart)
Members of the Radio-Sinfonieorchester Wien.

Fragment for the trio sonata, KVdeest (Mozart)
Members of the Radio-Sinfonieorchester Wien.

Fugue for String Quartet in C Major (fragment) (1782), KV405a (385m/Anh. 77) (Mozart)
Members of the Radio-Sinfonieorchester Wien.

Fugue for String Quartet in C Minor (fragment), KVdeest (Mozart)
Members of the Radio-Sinfonieorchester Wien.
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