Ёко Кикути

Ёко Кикути (фортепиано)
1. Chant d`amour (Песня любви): Andante
2. Desespoir (Отчаяние): Allegro
3. Souvenir (Воспоминание): Allegretto

3 Romances sans paroles for Violin and Piano (1841), op. 7 (Vieuxtemps)
2.Desespoir // rec. in 1998, Brussel
1. Morceau brillant de salon
2. Air varie
3. Reverie
4. Souvenirs du Bosphore
5. Tarentelle
6. L`Orage

6 Salon Pieces for Violin and Piano, op.22 (Vieuxtemps)
3.Reverie // rec. in 1998, Brussel
`Voix du cœur`
1. Tendresse
2. Decision
3. Melancolie
4. Barcarolle
5. Reve
6. Interrogation
7. Souvenir
8. Pourquoi
9. Theme et variations

`Voices of the Heart`, 9 pieces for Violin and Piano, op.53 (Vieuxtemps)
5.Reve // rec. in 1998, Brussel
1. Allegro assai
2. Scherzo
3. Largo ma non troppo
4. Rondo

Sonata for Violin and Piano in D-dur, op.12 (Vieuxtemps)
rec. in 1998, Brussel
1. Romance
2. Regrets

Pages from the Album, for Violin and Piano, op.40 (Vieuxtemps)
1.Romance // rec. in 1998, Brussel
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