
1. Nanny, to words by Leconte de Lisle (1880)
2. Le charme, to words by A. Silvestre (1879)
3. Les papillons, to words by Théophile Gautier (1880)
4. La dernière feuille, to... Читать дальше

1. Nanny, to words by Leconte de Lisle (1880)
2. Le charme, to words by A. Silvestre (1879)
3. Les papillons, to words by Théophile Gautier (1880)
4. La dernière feuille, to words by Gautier (1880)
5. Sérénade italienne, to words by Paul Bourget (1880)
6. Hébé, to words by Louise Ackermann (1882)
7. Le colibri, to words by Leconte de Lisle (1882)

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7 мелодий для голоса и фортепиано, op.  2 (Шоссон)
Ор. 2, № 3, 7. Запись - 7-13 июля 2008 г., Париж.
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