1 If that a sinners sighes, bee Angels food,
or that repentaunt teares bee Angels wine,
accept O Lord in this most pensive moode,
these hartie sighes and faithfull teares of mine:
That went... ×èòàòü äàëüøå
1 If that a sinners sighes, bee Angels food,
or that repentaunt teares bee Angels wine,
accept O Lord in this most pensive moode,
these hartie sighes and faithfull teares of mine:
That went with Peter forth most sinfullie,
but not with Peter wept most bitterlie.

2 If I had Davids Crowne to mee betide,
or all his purple robes that hee did weare,
I would lay then such honor all aside,
and onely seeke a sackcloth weede to beare,
his Pallace would I leave that I might show,
and mourne in cell for such offence, my woe.

3 Ther should these hands beat on my pensive brest
and sad, to death, for sorrow rend my haire,
my voice to call on thee, should never rest,
whose grace I seeke, whose judgement I doe feare:
upon the ground all groveling on my face,
I would beseech thy favour and good grace.

Õ Ñâåðíóòü

Ïåñíè èç ñáîðíèêà `A Pilgrimes Solace` (1612): ¹13 `If that a sinner`s sighs`,  (Äîóëåíä)
Íàøè êîíòàêòû