Eleven Songs from A Shropshire Lad (i.e., Six Songs from A Shropshire Lad (1-6), and Bredon Hill and Other Songs(7-11)) ([words A. E. Housman] 1910-1911)

1. `Loveliest of Trees`
2. `When I Was... Читать дальше
Eleven Songs from A Shropshire Lad (i.e., Six Songs from A Shropshire Lad (1-6), and Bredon Hill and Other Songs(7-11)) ([words A. E. Housman] 1910-1911)

1. `Loveliest of Trees`
2. `When I Was One and Twenty`
3. `Look Not in My Eyes`
4. `Think No More, Lad`
5. `The Lads in Their Hundreds`
6. `Is My Team Ploughing?`
7. `Bredon Hill`
8. `Oh Fair Enough Are Sky and Plain`
9. `When the Lad for Longing Sighs`
10. `On the Idle Hill of Summer`
11. `With Rue My Heart Is Laden`

Х Свернуть

11 песен из поэмы `Шропширский парень` А. Э. Хаусмана (1910-11),  (Баттерворт)
№ 1-6 (Six Songs from A Shropshire Lad). Запись - 1 марта 2003 г., Великобритания.
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