Элизабет Жуайе

Элизабет Жуайе (клавесин)
BWV 933 — до мажор
BWV 934 — до минор
BWV 935 — pе минор
BWV 936 — pе мажор
BWV 937 — ми мажор
BWV 938 — ми минор

6 Little Preludes, BWV  933-938 (Bach)

3 Minuets from the Notebook for W.F. Bach, BWV  841-843 (Bach)
№ 1, 2. 2006.

Five Little Preludes, BWV  939-943 (Bach)
Klavierbüchlein WFB No. 14: Praeludium 1

Praeludium in C major, BWV  846a (Bach)

Kleine Präluden from Wilhelm Friedmann Bach notebook, BWV  924-932 (Bach)
BWV 924-930. 2006.
Альтернативная версия BWV 924; авторство Баха сомнительно

Prelude in C major, BWV  924a (Bach)

Prelude for lute in c-moll, BWV  999 (Bach)

Fantasy in c-moll, BWV 1121 (Bach)

Prelude and Fughetta d-moll, BWV  899 (Bach)

Fugue C-dur, BWV  952 (Bach)

Prelude and Fugue a-moll, BWV  895 (Bach)

Applicatio in C-dur (from Wilhelm Friedemann Bach notebook), BWV  994 (Bach)
Sinfonia No.1 in C major, BWV 787
Sinfonia No.2 in C minor, BWV 788
Sinfonia No.3 in D major, BWV 789
Sinfonia No.4 in D minor, BWV 790
Sinfonia No.5 in E♭ major, BWV 791
Sinfonia No.6... Читать дальше
Sinfonia No.1 in C major, BWV 787
Sinfonia No.2 in C minor, BWV 788
Sinfonia No.3 in D major, BWV 789
Sinfonia No.4 in D minor, BWV 790
Sinfonia No.5 in E♭ major, BWV 791
Sinfonia No.6 in E major, BWV 792
Sinfonia No.7 in E minor, BWV 793
Sinfonia No.8 in F major, BWV 794
Sinfonia No.9 in F minor, BWV 795
Sinfonia No.10 in G major, BWV 796
Sinfonia No.11 in G minor, BWV 797
Sinfonia No.12 in A major, BWV 798
Sinfonia No.13 in A minor, BWV 799
Sinfonia No.14 in B♭ major, BWV 800
Sinfonia No.15 in B minor, BWV 801

Х Свернуть

Three Part Inventions (1720-23), BWV  787-801 (Bach)
Recorded: December 2001 in Paris at the chappel of `L`hôpital Notre-Dame de Bon Secours`

Fughetta c-moll, BWV  961 (Bach)
Invention in C major, BWV 772
Invention in C minor, BWV 773
Invention in D major, BWV 774
Invention in D minor, BWV 775
Invention in E♭ major, BWV 776
Invention in E major, BWV 777... Читать дальше
Invention in C major, BWV 772
Invention in C minor, BWV 773
Invention in D major, BWV 774
Invention in D minor, BWV 775
Invention in E♭ major, BWV 776
Invention in E major, BWV 777
Invention in E minor, BWV 778
Invention in F major, BWV 779
Invention in F minor, BWV 780
Invention in G major, BWV 781
Invention in G minor, BWV 782
Invention in A major, BWV 783
Invention in A minor, BWV 784
Invention in B♭ major, BWV 785
Invention in B minor, BWV 786

Х Свернуть

Two Part Inventions (1720-23), BWV  772-786 (Bach)
Recorded: December 2001 in Paris at the chappel of `L`hôpital Notre-Dame de Bon Secours`
Aльтернативная версия BWV 902

Prelude G-dur to fughetta BWV 902, BWV  902a (Bach)

Prelude and Fughetta e-moll, BWV  900 (Bach)

Preludes and Fughetta G-dur, BWV  902 (Bach)

Fugue C-dur, BWV  953 (Bach)

Prelude and Fughetta F-dur, BWV  901 (Bach)

Fantasia and Fugue in a-moll, BWV  904 (Bach)
из 2-й нотной тетради А.М.Бах

Chorale prelude `Wer nur den lieben Gott läßt walten`, BWV  691 (Bach)
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