Movt. 1, Song, `I sigh`d, and I pin`d`
Movt. 2, Song, `There`s nothing so fatal as woman`
Movt. 3, Song, `Fled is my love`
Movt. 4, Song, ``Tis death alone`
Movt. 5, Song, `I`ll mount to yon... Читать дальше
Movt. 1, Song, `I sigh`d, and I pin`d`
Movt. 2, Song, `There`s nothing so fatal as woman`
Movt. 3, Song, `Fled is my love`
Movt. 4, Song, ``Tis death alone`
Movt. 5, Song, `I`ll mount to yon blue Coelum`
Movt. 6, Song, `I`ll sail upon the Dog-star`
Movt. 7, Song, `Jenny, `gin you can love`
Movt. 8, Song, `If thou wilt give me back my love`

Х Свернуть

Музыка к спектаклю `A Fool`s Preferment or The Three Dukes of Dunstable` (1688), Z 571 (Пёрселл)
Movt. 6, Song, `I`ll sail upon the Dog-star`. 1988, Швейцария.
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