Александр Тимофеев

Александр Тимофеев (фортепиано)
Joc de Noroc for Violin and Piano (2017),  (Timofeev)
Записано 13 июля 2018 года, Органный зал, Кишинев, Молдова.

Prelude for Livia (2014) for piano,  (Timofeev)
Recorded on September 26, 2017.

The Language of Luv,  (Timofeev)
Ноты можно скачать по адресу: https://gumroad.com/l/t90b

The Language of Luv,  (Timofeev)
Premiered by the composer, on June 4, 2014, at Organ Hall, Chisinau Moldova.

`Angelica` from the cycle of 5 pieces for piano op.12 (2014),  (Timofeev)

` Humoresque` for Clarinet and Piano (2017),  (Timofeev)
Recorded by Tania Villasuso, clarinet, and the composer on piano at Gould Rehearsal Hall, Curtis Institute of Music, Philadelphia, on October 2, 2018.

`Lacrimioara` from the cycle of 5 pieces for piano op.12 (2014),  (Timofeev)

`Prelude for Lecrimioara` from the cycle of 5 pieces for piano op.12 (2014),  (Timofeev)

`Prelude for Livia` from a cycle of 5 pieces for piano op.12 (2014),  (Timofeev)

`Prelude for Valeria` from a cycle of 5 pieces for piano op.12 (2014),  (Timofeev)

`Humoresque` - from the cycle` 4 pieces for clarinet and piano`, op.15 (2017),  (Timofeev)
Записано в Gould Rehearsal Hall, Curtis Institute of Music, 2 октября 2018 г.

`Luminesce` - from the cycle` 4 pieces for clarinet and piano`, op.15 (2017),  (Timofeev)
Записано в Gould Rehearsal Hall, Curtis Institute of Music, 2 октября 2018 г

Luminesce for Clarinet and Piano (2017),  (Timofeev)
Curtis Institute of Music, Philadelphia,October 2, 2018.For more information about the piece, please visit: https://www.timofeev.org/index.php/mu.

`Phoenix` for Clarinet and Piano (2016),  (Timofeev)
Recorded in May 2016 by clarinetist Stanislav Chernyshev and the composer at the piano. Gould Rehearsal Hall, Curtis Institute of Music, Philadelphia.

Phoenix, for Clarinet and Piano (2016),  (Timofeev)
Запись сделана в Институте Кертиса 7 мая 2016г. Филадельфия, США. Пьеса стала финалистом и была исполнена на Thailand International Composition Competition 2016.

`Reminiscenza` - from the cycle` 4 pieces for clarinet and piano`, op.15 (2017),  (Timofeev)
Записано в Gould Rehearsal Hall, Curtis Institute of Music, 13 декабря 2018 г

Ringtone City, for Piano (2010),  (Timofeev)
записано 29 августа 2017г.

The wheel of stars from the cycle 4 pieces for piano op.14 (2014-2016),  (Timofeev)
“Star Wheel” from Four Pieces for Piano, Op. 14 (2014-2016)

March Round Dance. Concert fantasy for piano (2016),  (Timofeev)
Концертная фантазия на тему Гр. Динику `Hora Mărțișorului` (Little March Hora), для фортепиано. (2016)

March Round Dance. Concert fantasy for piano (2016),  (Timofeev)

Pendulum from the cycle 4 pieces for piano op.14 (2014-2016),  (Timofeev)
“Pendulum” from Four Pieces for Piano, Op. 14 (2014-2016)

Falling Snow from the cycle of 3 pieces for piano (2019),  (Timofeev)
Commissioned jointly by the New Jersey Music Teacher Association and Music Teachers National Association (2019)

`Two-Step` from the cycle of 3 pieces for piano (2019),  (Timofeev)
Commissioned jointly by the New Jersey Music Teacher Association and Music Teachers National Association (2019)

`Passing beauty` from the cycle of 4 pieces for piano op.14 (2014-2016),  (Timofeev)
“Passing Beauty” from Four Pieces for Piano, Op. 14 (2014-2016)

`Dance with Mirrors` from the cycle of 3 pieces for piano (2019),  (Timofeev)

Concerto for Two Pianos and Chamber Orchestra,  (Timofeev)
Органный зал, Кишинев, Молдова , июнь 2014 г.

Let`s dance calmly` from the cycle of 4 pieces for piano op.14 (2014-2016),  (Timofeev)
“Quiet Dance” from Four Pieces for Piano, Op. 14 (2014-2016)

Dance of Happiness (`Lucky-Strike`) - from the cycle` 4 pieces for clarinet and piano`, op.15 (2017),  (Timofeev)
Записано в Gould Rehearsal Hall, Curtis Institute of Music, 13 декабря 2018 г

Fantasia on Mozart`s Theme for Piano op.6 bis (2010),  (Timofeev)
Запись с концерта. Органный зал, Кишинев, Молдова,2012г

“Anna” from “New Age Album” op.8 (Ten Pieces for Piano) 2012 – 2013,  (Timofeev)
Original solo piano compositions on this recording merge Eastern European folk music, new age style and the refined classical tradition. Pianist and composer Alexander Timofeev offers a meditative and inspiring emotional journey with a contemporary twist that is sophisticated, yet accessible to a wide audience.

“City Light” from “New Age Album” op.8 (Ten Pieces for Piano) 2012 – 2013,  (Timofeev)
Original solo piano compositions on this recording merge Eastern European folk music, new age style and the refined classical tradition. Pianist and composer Alexander Timofeev offers a meditative and inspiring emotional journey with a contemporary twist that is sophisticated, yet accessible to a wide audience.

“Fire Flower” from “New Age Album” op.8 (Ten Pieces for Piano) 2012 – 2013,  (Timofeev)
Original solo piano compositions on this recording merge Eastern European folk music, new age style and the refined classical tradition. Pianist and composer Alexander Timofeev offers a meditative and inspiring emotional journey with a contemporary twist that is sophisticated, yet accessible to a wide audience.

“Grey Birds” from “New Age Album”op.8 (Ten Pieces for Piano) 2012 – 2013,  (Timofeev)
Original solo piano compositions on this recording merge Eastern European folk music, new age style and the refined classical tradition. Pianist and composer Alexander Timofeev offers a meditative and inspiring emotional journey with a contemporary twist that is sophisticated, yet accessible to a wide audience.

“Grey Birds” from “New Age Album”op.8 (Ten Pieces for Piano) 2012 – 2013,  (Timofeev)

“La Coquette” from “New Age Album” op.8 (Ten Pieces for Piano) 2012 – 2013,  (Timofeev)
Original solo piano compositions on this recording merge Eastern European folk music, new age style and the refined classical tradition. Pianist and composer Alexander Timofeev offers a meditative and inspiring emotional journey with a contemporary twist that is sophisticated, yet accessible to a wide audience.

“Lonely Journey” from “New Age Album” op.8 (Ten Pieces for Piano) 2012 – 2013,  (Timofeev)
Original solo piano compositions on this recording merge Eastern European folk music, new age style and the refined classical tradition. Pianist and composer Alexander Timofeev offers a meditative and inspiring emotional journey with a contemporary twist that is sophisticated, yet accessible to a wide audience.

“Nocturne” from “New Age Album” op.8 (Ten Pieces for Piano) 2012 – 2013,  (Timofeev)
Original solo piano compositions on this recording merge Eastern European folk music, new age style and the refined classical tradition. Pianist and composer Alexander Timofeev offers a meditative and inspiring emotional journey with a contemporary twist that is sophisticated, yet accessible to a wide audience.

“Nocturne” from “New Age Album” op.8 (Ten Pieces for Piano) 2012 – 2013,  (Timofeev)
Ноктюрн из цикла New Age(2013) аранжамент для кларнета и фортепиано (2021).

“Rainbow” from “New Age Album” op.8 (Ten Pieces for Piano) 2012 – 2013,  (Timofeev)
Original solo piano compositions on this recording merge Eastern European folk music, new age style and the refined classical tradition. Pianist and composer Alexander Timofeev offers a meditative and inspiring emotional journey with a contemporary twist that is sophisticated, yet accessible to a wide audience.

“Sincerity”  from “New Age Album” op.8 (Ten Pieces for Piano) 2012 – 2013,  (Timofeev)
Original solo piano compositions on this recording merge Eastern European folk music, new age style and the refined classical tradition. Pianist and composer Alexander Timofeev offers a meditative and inspiring emotional journey with a contemporary twist that is sophisticated, yet accessible to a wide audience.

“Soul Mirror” from “New Age Album” op.8 (Ten Pieces for Piano) 2012 – 2013,  (Timofeev)
Original solo piano compositions on this recording merge Eastern European folk music, new age style and the refined classical tradition. Pianist and composer Alexander Timofeev offers a meditative and inspiring emotional journey with a contemporary twist that is sophisticated, yet accessible to a wide audience.

“Augusta’s Dream” piece for piano (2019),  (Timofeev)
Premiere performance on November 16,2019 by the composer on piano, NJMTA Conferece,Hillman Hall, Westminster Choir College,Princeton,NJ.
Recorded on November 21, 2019 by the composer on piano, Pfleeger Concert Hall, Rowan University, Glassboro, NJ.
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