Альбан Герхардт

Альбан Герхардт (виолончель)
1. Лирический вальс
2. Танец
3. Романс
4. Полька
5. Скерцо; Вальс
6. Галоп

Ballet Suite No. 1, 1949,  (Shostakovich)
`Шарманка`. Recorded in Wigmore Hall, London, on 26–28 August 2005.
1. Allegro non troppo
2. Allegro
3. Largo
4. Allegro

Sonata for Cello and Piano in d-moll (1934), op. 40 (Shostakovich)
Запись - 26-28 августа 2005 г., Лондон.
1 Вступление
2 Галоп
3 Вальс
4 Романс

`The Gadfly`, motion picture soundtrack (1955), op. 97 (Shostakovich)
`Ноктюрн`. Recorded in Wigmore Hall, London, on 26–28 August 2005.
1. Марш
2. Вальс
3. Медведь
4. Весёлая сказка
5. Грустная сказка
6. Заводная кукла
7. День рождения

`Children`s Notebook` Seven Pieces for Piano (1944-1945), op. 69 (Shostakovich)
Ор. 69, № 6. Recorded in Wigmore Hall, London, on 26–28 August 2005.
Moderato for cello and piano was discovered in the State Archive of Literature and Art in 1986. The exact date of its composition is not known, since Shostakovich never counted it among his... Читать дальше
Moderato for cello and piano was discovered in the State Archive of Literature and Art in 1986. The exact date of its composition is not known, since Shostakovich never counted it among his numbered works; it is thought to date from the 1930s. Its brevity suggests that it may have been intended as part of a sonata—perhaps a firstmovement exposition, or the first part of a slow movement. Its intense lyricism links it strongly with Lady Macbeth, and with Katerina’s Act I aria in particular, intriguingly suggesting that there might have been an alternative Cello Sonata in Shostakovich’s mind in the mid-1930s.

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Moderato for Cello & Piano, op. 40a (Shostakovich)
Recorded in Wigmore Hall, London, on 26–28 August 2005.

Music to the film Michurin, op. 78 (Shostakovich)
`Весенний вальс`. Recorded in Wigmore Hall, London, on 26–28 August 2005.

Two Songs to the spectacle Victorious Spring after Svetlov, op. 72b (Shostakovich)
Recorded in Wigmore Hall, London, on 26–28 August 2005. Арр. Кальянова.

Parts and fragments of compositions,  (Shostakovich)
`Грустная песня` из оперетты `Москва, Черёмушки`. Recorded in Wigmore Hall, London, on 26–28 August 2005. Арр. Кальянова.
1. Largo
2. Allegretto
3. Allegretto

Concerto for Cello and Orchestra No.2 in G-dur (1966), op.126 (Shostakovich)
2018, Кёльн.
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