,  (Рудерс)
Поуль Рудерс (Род. 1949)
Aarhus Symphony Orchestra. Recorded at Aarhus Concert Hall (Denmark), June 23-25, 2008.

Aarhus Symphony Orchestra, Thomas Sondergard (conductor). Recorded at Aarhus Concert Hall (Denmark), October 2008.

Danish National RSO / Leif Segerstam

Nightshade [The Nightshade Trilogy No. 1] Capricorn / Oliver Knussen

Norwegian Radio Orchestra, Thomas Sondergard (conductor). Recorded at the Studios of the Norwegian Broadcasting Corporation (NRK), Oslo (Norway), October 21-22, 2010.

Odense Symphony Orchestra, Robert Minczuk (conductor). Recorded in Carl Nielsen Hall, Odense, Denmark on June 10-11, 2011.

Speculum Musicae, Donald Palma (conductor). Recorded in USA, June 1, 1992.

Performed 1988-89 in the Concert Hall, Royal Academy of Music, Arhus, Denmark.

Odense SO / Scott Yoo

Athelas Sinfonietta Copenhagen. Recorded at Dinesen, in Copenhagen, Denmark, on June 7-8, 2011.

Aarhus Symphony Orchestra, Thomas Sondergard (conductor). Recorded at Aarhus Concert Hall (Denmark), October 2008.

iO String Quartet. Recorded at the American Academy of Arts and Letter, New York City (USA), March 27, 2009.

Birmingham Contemporary Music Group / Oliver Knussen

Odense SO / Scott Yoo

Recorded in Carl Nielsen Hall, Odense, Denmark on June 10, 2011.

Recorded at Carl Nielsen Concert Hall, Odense (Denmark), October 9, 2009.

Danish National RSO / Leif Segerstam

Odense SO / Paul Mann

Lars Anders Tomter - viola : Aarhus SO / Marc Soustrot

Danish National RSO / Leif Segerstam

Danish National RSO / Olari Elts

Recorded in Uranienborg church, Oslo (Norway), June 28, 2007.

Recorded at Snape Maltings, Aldeburgh, Suffolk (UK), 2005.

Odense Symphony Orchestra / Michael Schønwandt

Aarhus SO / Marc Soustrot

Danish National RSO / Markus Stenze
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