,  (Гурник)
Илья Гурник (1922–2013)

Čtyřruční hra: Cvičení a etudy (Four-handed Fun: Exercises and Etudes) for piano 4-hands (1972)/Piano Studies for Four Hands: 1. Repeated Tones. 2. Staccato Chords. 3. Legato Chords. 4. Arpeggios. 5. Complementary Rhythms. 6. Echo. 7. Little Pauses.
Novak Trio: Gabriela Krčková - гобой, Štěpán Koutník - кларнет, Vladimír Lejčko - фагот. Запись - апрель 1992 г., Прага.
Nový clavecin (New Harpsichord) for piano and string orchestra (1975); original for piano solo/The New Clavecin. Suite for Piano and String Orchestra: I. Festoso. II. Marciale. III. Teneramente. IV. Vivace. Ivan Klánsky - piano. Musici de Praga, conductor Frantisek Vajnar.
Esercizi for flute, oboe, clarinet and bassoon (1956): I. Allegro marciale. II. Gavotta. Moderato. III. Vivace. IV. Andantino teneramente. V. Fuga. Prestissimo. VI. Molto allegro e risoluto. The Czech Philharmonic Wind Quintet - members.
Sezónní madrigaly (Seasonal Madrigals) for mixed chamber chorus and instrumental ensemble (1982); words by the composer/Seasonal Madrigals for Soprano, Alto, Tenor, Bass, Flute and Piano on a libreto by the composer: I. Spring Madrigal. Allegretto. II. Summer Madrigal. Allegretto grazioso. III. Autumn Madrigal. Andante con malinconia. IV. Christmas Madrigal. Allegretto. Aleš Bárta & Prague Madrigal Singers and Orchestra (New Madrigal and Consort Singers).
Ezop (Aesop), Suita di cantate for mixed chorus and orchestra (1964); words by Pavel Jurkoviď after Aesop`s Fables/Aesop. Cantata-Suite for Mixed Chorus and Orchestra: I. Proemium. Allegro moderato. II. The Oak and the Cane. Allegro agitato (Quaercus et cannae). III. Interludium 1. Allegro. IV. The Wolf´s Verdict. Allegro moderata (Lupi iudicum). V. Interludium 2. Andantino. VI. The Lamp and the Stars. L´istesso tempo (Lucerna et astra). VII. The Hares and the Frog. Quasi marcia f
Šalamoun (Solomon) for bass (baritone) and string quartet or organ (1961); words from the Song of Songs/Šalomoun. Quintet for Bass, Two Violins, Viola and Cello. I. Allegro emfatico. II. Lento. III. Allegretto. Richard Novák & Doležal Quartet. 1982.
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