,  (Бельчер)
Диана Мередит Бельчер (дирижер)

Soprano - Nola Richardson, contralto - Kate Maroney, tenor - Brian Giebler, bass - Enrico Lagasca. The Holy Trinity Bach Choir and Orchestra. Recorded live December 6, 2020 at the Evangelical Lutheran Church of the Holy Trinity, New York City, New York, USA.
Soprano - Chelsea Helm, mezzo-soprano - Kate Maroney, tenor - Nils Neubert, baritone - Phillip Cheah. The Holy Trinity Bach Choir and Orchestra. Recorded: April 4, 2021, New York (live).
Soprano - Meg Dudley, countertenor - Jonathan May, tenor - Andrew Fuchs, bass - Brian Mummert. The Holy Trinity Bach Choir and Orchestra. Запись - 27 февраля 2022 г., Нью-Йорк (live).
Soprano - Clara Rottsolk. Perry Sutton - trumpet. The Holy Trinity Bach Choir and Orchestra. Запись - 15 ноября 2020 г., Нью-Йорк (live).
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