`Энтомология антология`, 14 пьес для фортепиано (2011),  (Крам)

Ричард Крам (род. 1953)

`Энтомология антология`, 14 пьес для фортепиано (2011)

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The Caterpillar
The Elephant Beetle
The Grasshoppers of Ur
Hornets and Cornets
The Last Dragonfly of Summer
March of the Army Ants
Mi Lady Bug
The Mosquito
Nabi - The Butterfly...Читать дальше
The Caterpillar
The Elephant Beetle
The Grasshoppers of Ur
Hornets and Cornets
The Last Dragonfly of Summer
March of the Army Ants
Mi Lady Bug
The Mosquito
Nabi - The Butterfly
The Praying Mantises
The Queen and Her Court
The Spider Weaves a Web
Weevil Hoedown (July 4th Celebration)

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