8 коротких мотетов на большие церковные праздники для хора,  (Титкомб)

Эверет Титкомб (1884–1968)

8 коротких мотетов на большие церковные праздники для хора

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1. Say to them that are of a Fearful heart (Advent)
2. Be Joyful, O Daughter of Sion (Christmas
3. We have seen His Star (Epiphany)
4. Christ our Passover (Easter)
5. Sing Ye to the Lord...Читать дальше
1. Say to them that are of a Fearful heart (Advent)
2. Be Joyful, O Daughter of Sion (Christmas
3. We have seen His Star (Epiphany)
4. Christ our Passover (Easter)
5. Sing Ye to the Lord (Ascension)
6. I will not leave you comfortless (Whitsuntide)
7. Let us bless the God of Heaven (Trinity Sunday)
8. My house shall be called of all nations (Dedication of a church)

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