Концерт для валторны с оркестром (2003),  (Уильямс)

Джон Таунер Уильямс (род. 1932)

Концерт для валторны с оркестром (2003)

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I. Angelus: Far far away, like bells … At evening pealing
II. The Battle of the Trees: Swift Oak … Stout Guardian of the Door
III. Pastorale: There Came a Day at Summer`s Full
IV. The Hunt: The...Читать дальше
I. Angelus: Far far away, like bells … At evening pealing
II. The Battle of the Trees: Swift Oak … Stout Guardian of the Door
III. Pastorale: There Came a Day at Summer`s Full
IV. The Hunt: The Hart Loves the Highwood
V. Nocturne: The Crimson Day Withdraws

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Karl Pituch, principal horn of the Detroit Symphony Orchestra. Recorded in 2010.

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