When o`er the hill the e`ening star (Air: The Lea-Rig/My ain kind dearie, O),  (Бёрнс)

Роберт Бёрнс (1759–1796)

When o`er the hill the e`ening star (Air: The Lea-Rig/My ain kind dearie, O)

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LA NEF: Sylvain BERGERON (baroque guitar, theorbo, conductor); Claire GIGNAC (recorders); Élise GUAY (recorders and bagpipes); Betsy MacMILLAN (violas da gamba); Robin GRENON (celtic harp); Patrick GRAHAM (percussion). Recorded at Saint-Augustin Church, Saint-Augustin-de-Mirabel (Québec), Canada, November 19-22, 2003.

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