1. Prologue
2. Pesach
3. Ritual. Duet
4. Betrayal
5. Intermezzo. In The Valley of the Shadow of Death
6. Gethsemane
7. Interlude
8. In The Palace of the High Priest
9. Kefa`s Denial
10....Читать дальше
1. Prologue
2. Pesach 3. Ritual. Duet 4. Betrayal 5. Intermezzo. In The Valley of the Shadow of Death 6. Gethsemane 7. Interlude 8. In The Palace of the High Priest 9. Kefa`s Denial 10....Читать дальше
1. Prologue
2. Pesach 3. Ritual. Duet 4. Betrayal 5. Intermezzo. In The Valley of the Shadow of Death 6. Gethsemane 7. Interlude 8. In The Palace of the High Priest 9. Kefa`s Denial 10. Yeshua Before Pilate 11. Behold the Man 12. Via Dolorosa 13. Darkness over the Land 14. Epilogue Х Свернуть Выводить записи: по популярности | по рейтингу исполнителя | по алфавиту
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