1. Little Girl Speakings
2. Life Doesn`t Frighten Me
3. They Went Home
4. Come and Be My Baby
5. Let`s Majeste
6. My Life Has Turned to Blue
7. Many and More
Ричард Дэниелпур (род. 1956)`Жизнь женщины` (A Woman`s Life), вокальный цикл для сопрано и оркестра на стихи Майи Энджелоу (2007)
1. Little Girl Speakings
2. Life Doesn`t Frighten Me 3. They Went Home 4. Come and Be My Baby 5. Let`s Majeste 6. My Life Has Turned to Blue 7. Many and More Выводить записи: по популярности | по рейтингу исполнителя | по алфавиту |