Песни для мужского хора (1916–24);, op. 33 (Мадетойя)

Лееви Антти Мадетойя (1887–1947)

Песни для мужского хора (1916–24);, op. 33


1.Iltatunnelma (Evening Mood) (1916), with text by Eino Leino; 2 April 1917, Laulu-Miehet †
2. Det skönaste landet (Kaunehin maa, Most Beautiful of Lands) (1916, r. 1922), with text by Bertel...Читать дальше
1.Iltatunnelma (Evening Mood) (1916), with text by Eino Leino; 2 April 1917, Laulu-Miehet †
2. Det skönaste landet (Kaunehin maa, Most Beautiful of Lands) (1916, r. 1922), with text by Bertel Gripenberg (Finnish trans. by Eino Leino); fp. Viipuri, 29 March 1919 Viipurin Lauluveikot †
3. Høstaften (Syysilta, Autumn Evening) (1916), with text by Holger Drachmann (Finnish trans. by Eino Leino); Viipuri, 29 March 1919, Viipurin Lauluveikot †
4. Ikävyys (Melancholy) (1916), with text by Larin-Kyösti; fp. ? (but Viipurin Lauluveikot holds the copyright) †
5. Soita somer, helkä hiekka (Play Gravel, Sing Sand) (1917), with text by Eino Leino; fp. 27 April 1917, YL Male Voice Choir †
6. Unetar (1917), with text by Larin-Kyösti; fp. ? (but YL Male Voice Choir holds the copyright) †
7. Turun Laulun Ystävien lippulaulu (Turku Friends Flag Anthem) (1919), with text by Enzio Borg; fp. ?
8. Viipurin marssi (Viipuri March) (c. 1919), with text by Eero Eerola; fp. 25 April 1924, YL Male Voice Choir †

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