Картинки и розыгрыши №1 для фортепиано (1948), op. 25 (Жора)

Михаил Жора (1891–1971)

Картинки и розыгрыши №1 для фортепиано (1948), op. 25


1. La gura sobei (At the mouth of the stove)
2. Din amintirile Tuşei Catinca (From the memories of Aunt Catinca)
3. Tranca-fleanca
4. Poveste (Story)
5. Trece oastea lui Papuc (Papuc`s...Читать дальше
1. La gura sobei (At the mouth of the stove)
2. Din amintirile Tuşei Catinca (From the memories of Aunt Catinca)
3. Tranca-fleanca
4. Poveste (Story)
5. Trece oastea lui Papuc (Papuc`s army passes)
6. În scrânciob (On the swing)
7. Pe gânduri (In thought)
8. Grivei aleargă după coada lui (Grivei runs after his tail)

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Запись 1992 г.
