`Lachrimae, or Seven Teares`, Figured in Seaven Passionate Pavans, для 5 виол и лютни (1604),  (Доуленд)

Джон Доуленд (1563–1626)

`Lachrimae, or Seven Teares`, Figured in Seaven Passionate Pavans, для 5 виол и лютни (1604)

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`Lachrimae, or seaven teares figured in seaven passionate pavans, with divers other pavans, galliards and allemands, set forth for the lute, viols, or violons, in five parts` - включает 7...Читать дальше

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7. Lachrimae Verae

7. Lachrimae Verae


1. Lachrimae Antiquae. Запись 1988

Lachrimae Tristes, Lachrimae Amantis, Lachrimae Verae. Soprano Saxophone, bass clarinet – John Surman, violin – Maya Homburger, double bass – Barry Guy. Recorded: January 1999, Forde Abbey, Dorset.

Ensemble Daedalus. Roberto Festa, conductor. Recorded at the Abbaye Royale de Fontevraud, France, April 1998.
