l. PAN who played upon the reed pipe which was Syrinx, his beloved
ll. PHAETON who rode upon the chariot of the sun for one day and was hurled into the river Padus by a thunderbott
lll. NIOBE...Читать дальше
Бенджамин Бриттен (1913–1976)6 метаморфоз по Овидию (Six Metamorphoses after Ovid) (1951), op. 49 Скачать ноты l. PAN who played upon the reed pipe which was Syrinx, his beloved
ll. PHAETON who rode upon the chariot of the sun for one day and was hurled into the river Padus by a thunderbott lll. NIOBE...Читать дальше
l. PAN who played upon the reed pipe which was Syrinx, his beloved
ll. PHAETON who rode upon the chariot of the sun for one day and was hurled into the river Padus by a thunderbott lll. NIOBE who, lamenting the death of her fourteen children, was turned into a mountain lV.BACCHUS at whose feasts is heard the noise of gaggting women`s tattling tongues and shouting out of boys V. NARCISSUS who fell in love with his own image and became a flower VI.ARETHUSA who, flying from the love of Alpheus the river god, was turned into a fountain Х Свернуть Выводить записи: по популярности | по рейтингу исполнителя | по алфавиту |