`Песнь песней` для солистов, хора и оркестра (1922),  (Банток)

Гренвилл Банток (1868–1946)

`Песнь песней` для солистов, хора и оркестра (1922)


Названия частей:

I. Prelude

II. The Second Day:
1. `The voice of my beloved!`
2. `My beloved spake`
3. `Arise, my love`
4. `Take us the foxes`
5. `She flings herself upon a divan in an...Читать дальше
Названия частей:

I. Prelude

II. The Second Day:
1. `The voice of my beloved!`
2. `My beloved spake`
3. `Arise, my love`
4. `Take us the foxes`
5. `She flings herself upon a divan in an ecstasy of passionate rapture
6. `By night in my dream I sought him`
7. `But I found him whom my soul loveth`

III. The Third Day:
1. The King`s gifts
2. The Shulamite
3. The Shulamite is left alone
4. The Shulamite reflects upon her absent shepherd-lover
5. And sees him in a vision on the mountainside

IV. The Fifth Day:
1. `Who is this that cometh up from the wilderness?` with William Prideaux, baritone
2. `Set me as a seal upon thine heart`
3. `Many waters cannot quench love`
4. `For love is strong as death`
5. `We have a little sister`
6. `Make haste, my beloved`

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Excerpts from `The Song of Songs` (without choir)/ Elizabeth Connell (soprano), Kim Begley (tenor), William Prideaux (baritone) / Royal Philharmonic Orchestra, con. Vernon Handley/ Recorded in Watford Colosseum, England, on 1,2 April 2003
