`Суета сует`, хоральная симфония (1913),  (Банток)

Гренвилл Банток (1868–1946)

`Суета сует`, хоральная симфония (1913)

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The Vanity of Vanities: Choral Symphony after Ecclesiastes (1913):

I. `Vanity of vanities, said the Preacher`
II. `I said in mine heart`
III. `Then I saw that wisdom excelleth folly...`...Читать дальше
The Vanity of Vanities: Choral Symphony after Ecclesiastes (1913):

I. `Vanity of vanities, said the Preacher`
II. `I said in mine heart`
III. `Then I saw that wisdom excelleth folly...`
IV. `To everything there is a season...`
V. `I returned, and saw under the sun...`
VI. `Go thy way...`
VII. `Rejoice, O young man...`

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The Vanity of Vanities: Choral Symphony after Ecclesiastes (1913): I. `Vanity of vanities, said the Preacher` - II. `I said in mine heart` - III. `Then I saw that wisdom excelleth folly...` - IV. `To everything there is a season...` - V. `I returned, and saw under the sun...` - VI. `Go thy way...` - VII. `Rejoice, O young man...` /
BBC Singers, conductor - Simon Joly.

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