The Wayward: San Francisco (1943, rev. 1955),  (Партч)

Гарри Партч (1901–1974)

The Wayward: San Francisco (1943, rev. 1955)

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“San Francisco – a Setting of the Cries of Two Newsboys on a Foggy Night in the Twenties”
Harry Partch – Adapted Viola, voice; Danlee Mitchell – Kithara II; Elizabeth Gentry – Chromelodeon.
Recorded in 1958 in Evanston, Illinois.

w/ Daniel Ploeger, trombone and Alexandre Fostier, sound. Arranged by Tim Mariën. Live at Darmstadt International Summer Courses for New Music. Darmstadt, Germany. July 2010

w/ Thomas Moore, trombone and Alexandre Fostier, sound. Arranged by Tim Mariën. Live at Muziekgebouw aan `t IJ. Amsterdam, The Netherlands. February 2012