Владимир Годар (род. 1956)Соната для виолончели и фортепиано (памяти Виктора Шкловского) (1985) Скачать ноты
I. Largo; II. Presto agitato; III. Largo
Выводить записи: по популярности | по рейтингу исполнителя | по алфавиту An electrifying performance of this passionate work by Jozef Lupták (cello) and Nora Skuta (piano) at the 2009 Indian Summer in Levoca Festival. // Godár (b. Bratislava, 1956) wrote this work in memory of the Russian writer and critic Viktor Shklovsky (1893-1984), who expressed his original ideas on art despite the dangers of doing so under the Soviet regime.